KAMPALA – The Oil and Gas sector is still a grey area in Uganda and the public is getting to appreciate it slowly as stakeholders continue to have engagements.
The government and private sector have rolled out measures to keep the momentum high.
Armour Energy Uganda has followed suit to keep the public and the suppliers informed about developments they are undertaking in the industry.
Mr. Robert Kasande, the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Energy, said: “Today Armour Energy is showcasing the opportunities available in the phase they are getting into and in the next four years they will be very active in exploration. I am very aware that very soon there will be an exploration in addition to concluding with the various studies undertaken and eventually drill wells.”

He added: “There will be opportunities such as camp development, catering, logistics, shipping & forwarding, waste management, security, and supply of personnel transport, among others, and similar opportunities will come from Oranto Petroleum. The East African crude pipeline was concluded and over 25 contracts were ring-fenced for local content and urge Ugandans to aim higher through joint ventures.”
Dr. Tom Buringuriza, the country manager Armour Energy Uganda, said: “All the jobs we have such as tenders are on the National Database for the Petroleum Authority of Uganda (PAU) free of charge. Let’s stop whining and complaining so that we can harness them and keep to the standards needed in the sector. We have also rolled out and set budgets for training young professionals to enable them gain experience in this budding sector and next time we are heading to the institutions.”
Mr. Alex Byamukama, the national content officer contracts, PAU said: “This being a new industry we probably have a gap that exists of expertise but we are working hard with the different companies and joint ventures as one of the ways to transfer knowledge.”

He continued: “This is an exciting industry and a lot is going to happen and it’s growing and let’s stay ready.”
About Armour Energy
Armour Energy was awarded the contract in September 2017 and operates in the Kanywataba block in the Albertine Graben with 6.5 billion bbls in the phase with multi-developed (untested) on-trend with 3 and 4-way closures. Kingfisher Oil discoveries are 40km North – East of Kanywataba with 3,000-5000 bbls of oil seeps per day.