KAMPALA – Ministry of Finance in collaboration with Uganda Revenue Authority has announced that the Budget breakfast for Kampala is happening Tuesday, June 25 at Hotel Africana.
In a statement, the ministry asked for the participation of the citizens saying, “Come all and engage with officials from the Ministry of Finance and URA on all budget-related issues.”
Last week, the Finance Minister Matia Kasaija said the FY 2019/20 budget focuses on interventions aimed at increasing wealth and improving Livelihoods of all Ugandans.
The Minister was speaking at the regional budget breakfast 2019 at Kontiki hotel in Hoima.
“As Minister responsible for this economy, I want everyone to be rich,” said Kasaija.
He noted that the average incomes of Ugandans have increased to USD 825 per person in FY 2018/19 compared to USD 800 in 2017/18.
“Government will maintain the emphasis peace and security through fast-tracking the implementation of safe city infrastructure by rolling out the installation of CCTV cameras to municipalities and urban centres,” Kasaija said.

During the breakfast, the minister called for the effective and efficient use of resources by all Government entities.
Mr. Kasaija also advised politicians to focus on serving the people rather than being preoccupied with making money.
Regional budget breakfasts 2019 took place in Arua, Lira, Soroti, Hoima and Kabale on Friday 21.
The ministry said that these breakfasts have been organised to give chance to the people in different regions of Uganda to know more about their budget for FY 2019/2020.
On June 13, Kasaija read the national budget at Kampala Serena Hotel.