KAMPALA – Finance Minister Matia Kasaija has on Friday, August 16, signed an exchange of notes and grant agreement with the Japanese Ambassador H.E Kazuaki Kameda and JICA Chief Representative, Fukase Yutata for the project to improve traffic control in Kampala city.
The grant aid of about USD 24 million (approx 88.6 billion) will go towards the construction and equipment of a traffic control centre building at City hall in addition to improving 30 critical junctions with signalised intersections.
The traffic control centre will be the first of its kind in East Africa and Kampala is expected to become the leading city in traffic control within the region.

“I want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Government of Japan for the never-ending beneficial and cordial bilateral cooperation with the Ugandan Government,” said Hon Kasaija.
Hon Kasaija said Government will ensure that the grant is properly and exclusively utilised for the project.
The Japanese Ambassador called for close coordination of all actors including KCCA and JICA for successful implementation of the project.