KAMPALA – Emirates SkyCargo has utilised the cargo capacity on its Boeing 777-300ER passenger freighter aircraft to facilitate the movement of goods to and from Uganda.
Following the announcement that cargo flights were allowed into the country, Emirates SkyCargo recalibrated its operations to Uganda, ensuring continuity to local businesses with dedicated cargo flights, starting with bi-weekly flights before scaling it up to three following increased demand.
From January to April 2020, Emirates SkyCargo transported over 2,000 tonnes of cargo between Entebbe and Dubai, including 385 tonnes of food exported to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) alone. The food included chilled fish (Nile Perch), fruits and vegetables, such as, bananas, pineapples, avocado, chilies, hot pepper, white eggplants and sweet potatoes, among others. Imports to Entebbe included general cargo and pharmaceuticals.
“We are happy to continue supporting the Ugandan economy by ensuring timely delivery of essential supplies to and from Uganda. By helping to facilitate export trade, Emirates is enabling the country earn foreign exchange thereby leading to inclusive growth of the economy,” said Samuel Angura, the Emirates Cargo Manager in Uganda.
Emirates SkyCargo is currently operating flights to around 60 global destinations on a scheduled basis and to many more destinations as charter and ad hoc operations. Food bound for the UAE is loaded on these flights from markets across the world. With its access to expertise in specialized handling for perishables through its Emirates Fresh product, Emirates SkyCargo ensures that the produce reaching the UAE maintains its freshness during transit.
In addition to securing UAE food supplies, Emirates SkyCargo also provides a boost to the local economies of the various countries it operates to by providing a lifeline for the agricultural and other produce exporters. The export revenues generated from trade of fruits, vegetables, seafood and meat support the livelihoods of farmers and growers in these regions.