KAMPALA — For long, there has always been the same ways of doing things advertisement in Uganda. If it is not radio then it is the newspaper or television.
More recently online platforms joined the wagon and shook things up a bit. The online platforms came with a bang. They are very accessible on the mobile phone handsets which are now widely held especially among the urban Ugandans.
For many such platforms, there is not much interaction that happens. This takes away the natural business exchange that many a buyer are accustomed to.
When COVID- 19 pandemic hit the country, many people took to doing business online mainly maximising on the social media presence to market goods. To the seller, this was a god move just as it was for the buyer. Only unresolved anomaly that came up was the price. You find that a seller has variations of the product they selling which comes with a difference in price.
For that reason they choose not to mention the price on the post instead they refer interested buyers to contact them privately for the details. On the other side, you have buyers who want to know whether they can afford the product. Many impatient wold-be buyers ignore the product because there is no price attached to it.
Enter Justclickug. Seeing that there have been all these inconsistences on the market, we thought we could come up with a platform that could offer a win-win for both the seller and the buyer. We thought of a platform with a user flexibility whose interaction could be easy to navigate. That is how justclickug was born.
It was all out of a need to make business processes very enjoyable. We appreciate the fact there are a lot of things competing for the time of the buyer so you would like to make them stay but also to quickly find what they are looking for. We also thought we could ease the process of the seller. One wants to lose a client because they couldn’t explain to them.
This need to have both products and services brought in one place is what we intend to achieve. Both service and products call for certain attention which might not be.
We have built a service that is easy to use. You can have your service or product listed in our directory in a simple procedure that takes less than two minutes. On the other the hand the buyer just has to enter a service or product they are searching for and they will be provided with a list of alternatives they can scroll through. Once they have selected the product they want, they can directly interact with the seller of the product they want. There is room enough for the two sides to interact and agree on terms of sale. There are other options that we have included beyond listing. For example, we have instalment purchase, delivery option and customised services. The aim of these is to improve and ease the process of online transaction.
One thing the buyer should have in mind is that the platform is free from fraudsters. That is well taken care of through the listing process.
Justclickug is here to bring out the fun in online transactions for both the seller and the buyer and we are ready to be of service to you today. We are now open for business.