KYANKWANZI —The Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) Commissioner General – John R Musinguzi has spelt out a challenge to all URA Supervisors of increasing Uganda’s Tax to GDP ratio to 20.99% by the financial year 2024/25.
The leader of Uganda Revenue Authority has made this declaration today during the Passout ceremony of 272 URA Supervisors who have completed a month long residential Transformational Leadeship training program at the National Leadership Training Insititute – NALI.
“Your role as the tactical leaders in URA is very critical in ensuring that the foot soldiers are rallied and championed to this new challenge ahead of us,” noted Musinguzi.
The Commissioner General armed the Supervisors with a 3 pronged strategy that will help rid the authority of any ‘Judas’ and ‘Grasshopper’ tendencies. The strategy includes judiciously dealing with corruption and enhancing integrity, transforming the way URA does business and also engaging to empower the taxpaying community.
“Following this training, you now have a renewed sense of urgency and drive within you all to make this country a dream place to be”, added CG.
Speaking about the training, The NALI Director – Brigadier Charles Kisembo affirmed that the URA Supervisors have benefitted from the training and that the mindset acquired will enable them leverage their potential into a positive force to propel Uganda economically.
The URA Supervisor Tax Education Outreach – Robert Wamala Lumanyika echoed the words of the Brigadier putting it aptly that ‘the Wamala that entered the gates of NALI is not the Wamala that is leaving the facility today’.
“The training that we have acquired enables us to align the people that are serving with us and to also align the nation to one cause – to fight poverty”, added Wamala.
Peninah Kirungi – Supervisor Authorized Economic Operators added that the course has opened the eyes of the Supervisors to the realization that the fate of the economic independence of Uganda lies in their hands.
“We have fresh bodies, fresh souls and fresh minds with the zeal to return to our stations and perform beyond expectations”, said Peninah.
The Guest of Honor Hon Henry Musasizi – State Minister of Finance General Duties said that the ministry is committed to equip URA staff with all the requisite tools to ensure that they deliver against the challenge ahead of them.
The Commissioner General noted that this training, organized by the URA Learning and Development Division in tandem with NALI is the start of many lined up with more URA staff groups expected to partake of the same program soon.