KAMPALA —Effective 1st January 2022, URA started issuing instant Tax Identification Numbers (TINs) to individual taxpayers through an upgraded web-based application form. Taxpayers processing TINs to execute temporary transactions will most benefit from this upgrade.
The upgraded web-based application form will only require a valid National Identification Number (NIN) for one to apply for the TIN. For individuals without NINs, a passport or driving permit will suffice. Taxpayers will only fill in three fields, namely; personal information, source of income and address. The use of phone numbers has taken the place of emails to avert the use of duplicate emails.
A TIN is an identification number used by the Uganda Revenue Authority in the administration of tax laws. It is the key identifier taxpayers use when filing returns or making tax-related transactions. Previously, taxpayers have been derailed by the long excel sheets during the application process for their TIN numbers.
Simplifying processes like the TIN acquisition is URA’s new direction towards being a business enabler to improve tax compliance. It has adopted a more listening approach to taxpayer challenges and has come up with better solutions to improve compliance. In addition, it is leveraging technology, stakeholder engagement, and aggressive taxpayer education to improve service delivery.
Some of the immediate beneficiaries with the new instant issuance of TINs will include taxpayers who need TINs for temporary use, such as government compensation, returning residents clearing personal effects, and those making payments on Non-Tax Revenues (NTRs).
For instance, during the month of December, at least 18,211 Tax Identification Numbers were issued to individual taxpayers in Lira, Gulu and Kitgum. Most of them are taxpayers set to receive a one-time lump-sum monetary compensation for property loss during the conflict in Northern Uganda.
Any such category of people can now download their provisional certificate after surrendering their personal information, source of income and address or location. The manual documents in this process have been discarded, thereby improving turnaround time and saving money from unscrupulous middlemen.
To access the web-based application, only 5 steps suffice: Visit www.ura.go.ug, Go to eServices, Click instant TIN, Fill in the required fields and click submit.