MBARARA – State Minister for Microfinance Haruna Kyeyune Kasolo has asked leaders in Mbarara district to desist from personalizing Saccos so that all people can benefit from them.
Kasolo who is currently monitoring Saccos under the Emyooga program in Ankole-sub region said it is incumbent on the population to see that government programs flourish.
He revealed that the essence of Emyooga, is to change the mindset of people through trainings and also give them seed capital such that they can expand their enterprises.
“Government is doing all it can to alleviate poverty and now it’s up to do your part. Make Saccos participatory. Don’t own them but involve other group members,” Kasolo said, urging the leaders to make Emyooga the most sought-after program in the country.
He encouraged leaders in Mbarara City not to give up despite numerous setbacks that emerged as result of the negativity from the public.
“Our role is to continue preaching the gospel and soon these people will realize that what you are saying is the truth. We have been bringing programs to alleviate poverty but you have been sabotaging them. You need to embrace these programs if you want to get rid of poverty.”
The Minister said he was impressed with the performance of Mbarara City North Produce Sacco where he officially opened its office.
Owing to their outstanding performance, the minister ordered they get additional seed capital of Shs20 million from the Microfinance Support Center.

“Within a period of two months you should be able to get the money. I will also give you a motorcycle free of charge for monitoring Emyooga activities,” Kasolo, who led a fundraising exercise for this Sacco in which Shs400, 000 was raised said.
Mbarara City North Produce Sacco which has over 3000 individual members has grand plans to be the yardstick of all Emyooga Saccos in Uganda.
According to Abdulwahabu Atweta Sacco’s chairperson, Sacco has so far saved Shs220 million and got share capital of Shs15 million.
The Sacco whose members mainly deal in milk, beef production and grains have managed to repay loans worth Shs124 out of the Shs 193 million loans that were given out.
Atweta says by the end of this year they project to save Shs1 billion and grow membership to 50000 and share capital increased to Shs45 million.