KAMPALA — UAP Old Mutual is sponsoring the Insurance Brokers Association of Uganda (IBAU) 5th Annual Conference that will take place at the Jinja Nile Resort, Jinja from 18th – 19th May, 2023 under the theme: Rethink, Re energize and reshape.
The two-day conference will aim to create a platform and a voice for Insurance Practitioners and Experts from Business Fraternity across variant sectors of the economy.
Government Agencies from local, regional and international insurance companies. The Guest of Honor will be Hon. Rebecca Alitwala, The First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of East African Affair and Alhaj Ibrahim Kaddunabbi Lubega, the-CEO Insurance Regulatory Authority of Uganda will be the Chief Guest.
During the press conference that took place at Golf course hotel on 3rd May, Paul Muhame, Board Chairman IBAU and Chief Executive Officer Ballpack Insurance Group Ltd noted that this year’s conference will provide a platform for discussion of how we can cause change within organizations, align business operations in view of the current regulatory demands, promote a healthy workforce, interrogate technology and its impact on service delivery as we plan for sustainability and the future of our organizations’.
The Conference Convener and Executive Director, Willis Towers Watson Insurance Brokers Ltd Mrs. Ritah Mutesi Kabayiza intimated that this year’s conference is grandeur and for the first time being held outside Kampala.
She acknowledged the immense support given by the Conference Sponsors whose input cuts across financial and technical aspects. “IBAU owes the success of this Conference to this support. To our Platinum sponsors, UAP Old Mutual as their generosity to the broker fraternity is highly appreciated!”
Speaking on behalf of UAP Old Mutual, Patrick Kimathi highlighted the commitment that UAP Old Mutual has to the broker fraternity as a distribution channel. He further explained that the rich heritage of UAP Old Mutual of over 177 years in business is a factor that won’t be overlooked as we create and maintain our profitable relationship with the broker fraternity.

James Maguru, General manager, UAP Old Mutual Insurance Uganda said that through the broker fraternity, the group can receive and address all customer feedback to encourage business continuity as we walk the customer journey.