RWAKITURA — President Yoweri Museveni is scheduled to address the people of Ankole and Kigezi on the developments in the dairy sector
The region is renown for cattle rearing.
In an address that will be relayed live on all Radio and Television stations in Kigezi and Ankole will be held at his country home in Rwakitura in his latest campaign dubbed Museveni talks farming.
The President on weekend addressed residents of Kyenda village, Kitenga sub county in Mubende District on maize growing and what role they have to play to ensure Uganda produces large quantities of high quality maize that is acceptable to international standards and markets.
Previously, Museveni said our maize has been rejected on the international market citing quality concerns.
He said quality issues arise from; Poor storage, drying maize on the ground which increases risk of disease-causing aflatoxins and could decrease maize exports if levels exceed international standards.
Other farmers according to the President are harvesting the maize before it is due and killing the chances in the market.
He also said government is working with farmers in the sector to ensure better yields.
“We shall support them with necessary tools and finances towards this goal,” he said.
Meanwhile, Museveni is also expected to emphise the same in his end of year message that will also be relayed on Television and Radio Station.