KAMPALA – Along with the training of Agricultural Inspection Officers, the Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries is also holding training sessions for Exporters of Agricultural Products to increase their knowledge about new measures being taken to ensure that the competitiveness of agricultural exports from Uganda is increased.
As highlighted today by Ms. Beatrice Byarugaba the Director for Agricultural Extension Services, the knowledge of such linkages will make it easy for farmers in need of more support to help them to gain competitiveness to be located.
The National Action Plan includes the rollout of an upgraded traceability system that will be rolled out both on and offline with the coordination of the Ministry from which the lead inspectors concluded their training last week.

This work by the Government of Uganda through the Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries is guided by the Seeds and Plant Act, 2006.
The Seeds and Plant Act which was introduced “to provide for the promotion, regulation and control of plant breeding and variety release, multiplication, conditioning, marketing, importing and quality assurance of seeds and other planting materials and for other related matters.”