KAMPALA — The National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO) has embarked on a national impact study on the improved beans and maize technologies with the aim of establishing their impact on livelihoods and economic development in Uganda.
This study will focus on technologies generated and disseminated over the last five years.
This was reached at during the impact study training of enumerators held at Mukono Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MuZARDI).
After deliberations, NARO scientists concurred that the adoption study is one of the strategies for improving NARO’s visibility at local, national and international levels as well as for accounting to government and donors.
Dr Anton Bua, a Principal Research Officer at NARO, underscored the importance of quality data collection in making informed decision that can cause positive change in the economy. He noted that since 1995, the national impact study has been done on cassava only.
He added that after the beans and maize study, resources will be sourced to undertake the same research on other NARO crop and animal technologies.
The first phase of the beans and maize study will start with MuZARDI later this month and will be followed by other zonal institutes in Arua, Lira, Soroti and Nakapiripirit.