The Post Media Ltd the publishers of and WEEKLY REVIEW Newspaper shall aspire to be a professional news media company within the known tenets governing the journalism profession and media operations globally.
Our key guiding factors include accuracy balance and fairness-and importantly – in the changed media world because of the digital revolution our turn around time for breaking news is an immaculate area.
We shall advocate for and enhance issues that are in public interest and our platforms will seek to facilitate public debate complete with groundbreaking investigative stories that are agenda setting – beyond the journalistic duty of informing, entertaining and educating.
We have no political affiliations but we shall advance a journalism brand that not only informs the public but recognises a free democratic dispensation as it is widely understood and creates a platform for free unfettered debate to facilitate citizens to fair and independent political choices.
Our editorial policy will protect the independence and fairness of our content and what is published on our platforms will be free of any political or otherwise business vested interests.
In our news operations, the protection of freedom of expression is a cardinal principle, inline with the prevailing legal restrictions in regards to privacy, hate speech, libel and others.
Content created by our staff and published on our platforms must be truthful, accurate and fair. The credibility of platforms is safe-guarderded by observing these key guidelines when creating content.
Unsolicited articles are welcome, although publication of the same is subject to the discretion of the editorial decision. PML Daily reserves the right to exercise its editorial judgment and reject any article at any time for any reason.
Editorial decisions to publish or not to publish an article are made at the discretion of the PML Daily and are based on factors including but not limited to: relevance to the industry, interest to readers, timeliness and calibre of writing.
All submissions will be edited for accuracy, clarity, quality and length. The PML Daily does not guarantee that authors will review their work prior to publication due to time constraints inherent in the production process.
None of the original editorial content that PML Daily publishes in this channel is influenced by advertisers, politicians, private or industry sponsors, members, donors, partners or collaborators. Where such is the case, the editorial will tag the articles as such.
What is published must be true both in facts and context. Sources of information must be clearly identified and and all facts must have collaborative evidence before publication of any story. Readers have a right to know where the information published on our platforms comes from. A sound reason must be given in cases of unavoidable use of unnamed sources.
Bylines, datelines and taglines
Datelines help us give readers the most accurate accounting of where information for a story was gathered. Bylines and taglines explain who wrote the story or contributed to it. We use datelines on single byline stories only if the reporter was at the location cited in the dateline.
Graphic images, tone & taste
Our platforms shall publish clean standard language and will not tolerate vulgarity and lewd language.
Generally, what is in good taste is to be determined by the prevailing social norms but if the depiction of a particular message and the language used is likely to be regarded as filthy, revolting, repugnant or dirty– it is then in bad taste.
With regard to pictures, vulgar, indecent or simply pornographic pictures will not be published and the same applies to photographs showing dead or mutilated bodies, bloody incidents and abhorrent scenes.
We shall hold ourselves accountable to these values as a media House. PML Daily will commit to remain accountable to the audience and will encourage feedback from them about the quality of content on our platforms, both through direct emails and telephone calls as well as on official sociel media platforms of PML Daily; Twitter: @pmldailynews; Facebook: