By Stella Mpiima
Just like adults children too love music that even a toddler will hear or listen to a tune and will definitely shake his head a sign that it’s enjoying what it’s listening to. But what kind of music should kids listen and dance to at young age?
According to experts most children enter kindergarten without knowing the difference between singing and speaking but when they get there; they are helped to diffriciate the two.
“However today children are introduced to bad singing and dancing at an early stage and since parents are busy with work, they do not know what is happening back home, “says Ps Arone Mutebi a parent and director Rainbow international kindergarten Entebbe.
He says even some schools have promoted nasty dances and songs in schools not knowing the effect the messages in them have on the children.
He says before a parent or teacher selects the songs, they should keep in mind that the children benefit positively from doing more than just listening. What is the best music for your child?
According to David Bamuteeze the head teacher Seeta Boarding primary school, children need to sing, clap and dance along with the tunes. Singing and moving to music tells the brain to make meaning out of it.
He says much as music and dance help school going children to exercise their bodies and also nature their talents schools should use instruments to achieve this. This protects them against bad messages in most of the western music.
He warns parents against playing songs with nasty dances and messages in them. Remember children like coping and incase a child gets used to nasty dances in the western music, her mind will be corrupted because soon she will start interpreting the messages in the dance.
Maureen Nangobi the head teacher Pass over junior school Seeta agrees. She notes that children are so used to watching television at home and parents never regulate them.
In the end they watch and listen to waster music yet most of it has a bad message couple with bad dances which is not good for a growing child.
She encourages parents and teachers to use songs they are familiar with when introducing children to music.
“Consider the songs you sang while growing up. Nursery rhymes are also good enough for you to start with and as the child progresses introduce other songs but only those with good messages that a child can learn from.

She adds that gospel music is a good example that parents should encourage their children to listen and dance to.
Isaac Lukyamuzi the Deputy Head teacher train up a child says some parents cheer up their children when they copy dances in certain songs and think this is good. Your actually spoil your child and not telling them the right thing to do.
He urges parents and teachers to be creative enough and come up with songs and dances for their children to save the next generation from moral decay.
He says traditional music is also good for a child because it introduces them to their cultures and that way they get to know how different cultures sing and dance.
However, he cautions parents to also be selective because not all traditional music has good messages and dances for a growing child.
He encourages parents to learn songs that interest their children so that they involve in the singing and dancing. This can also act as a bonding activity as it lets know what type of dances your child is practicing