City Socialite Brian Kirumira aka Bryan White is living up to promises he made last year after breaking into fame, splashing money whose source is not yet clearly known.
Bryan White who has been going around helping needy people and lifting up a few fallen artists last week procured 500 acres of land in Mityana district where he intends put up a Textile industry and employ hundreds of Ugandan youth.

News coming from the Bryan White Foundation indicates that their boss is putting up a one-of-a-kind health centre at a yet to be identified place anytime soon. An artistic impression has already been unveiled.
When Bryan White broke into the limelight last year, he promised to be different from other socialites who would just spend money in bars yet Ugandans need it to develop themselves.
Through his Foundation that was launched in Mbarara in March this year, Bryan promised to put up as many projects as he can to help curb the problem of unemployment affecting mostly the youth in Uganda.
‘Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.; Bryan White Foundation Hospital coming soon.’ the socialite said.