Rovin Nampewo is a versatile rising artiste who sings different kinds of music genres. Famous for her song AbonoonaObulokole , the 10-year-old says she was inspired by Judith Babirye. She denies attacking clerics in her latest song AbonoonaObulokole, PML Daily’s PAUL IBANDA caught up with the budding young artiste and brings you the story.

Who is Rovin Nampewo?
I am a 10-year-old recording artiste in Primary Five at Kireka Infant School. My mother is Irene Ssebandeke and my father is the late Moses Ssebandeke.
When did you start singing?
Honestly, I started singing when I was in baby class. Through the years, I have been an active member in both the school and sunday school choirs. I started recording music when I was in Primary Two. I have about seven songs in audio and one video, which is my latest song I named ‘ABONOONA OBULOKOLE’. I released it in February this year and it is doing well on the air waves apart from selected Christian radio stations.
What do you mean by selected radio stations?
There is a hidden problem characterized by negative perceptions. And the problem is not with the song but the mind set of some church clerics who think the song attacks them. True, the song hits at religious hypocrites but does not point out any body’s name.

Does your mother support you in doing music?
She fully supports me. My mum has been there for me morally, financially and she provides me with all that I need musically.
Do you sing for money or fun?
Yes I do. I charge ranging from Shs300,000 and above depending on the type of event, distance and location.
How do you juggle books and music?
I am in a Seventh Day Adventist school. Officially, I am allowed to break off every Friday evening and report back on Sunday evening. So over weekends it is music and during week days, it is schooling.
Which big concerts have you ever performed at in Uganda?
I have performed at the Twins festival at Kyadondo Rugby grounds, the Green festival at Kololo Air strip, Gravity’s TujjuzeLugogo and Specioza Concert at One love Beach in Busabala, among others.

Do you have any collaboration?
I am still working on one with Daxx Kartel. My manager is working hard to secure for me more collabos.
Who writes your songs?
I write them myself with guidance and assistance from my mum and my manager (Paul Waiswa).
Apart from academics and music, how else do you spend your free time?
I have a Dance group called Rovin Dancers; I also have a charity Foundation named Rovin Children’s’ Charity Organization (ROCCO). So I am always fixed. However, when I am at home sometimes am taken by house chores.
Have you won any Awards?
I have not got one but I believe this season’s VIGA Awards will not leave the same. I am among the nominees.
And what is you greatest Achievement so far in the music industry?
I have a car (Wish). Early this year I was performing at a function in Namugongo. One man I did not know asked for my contacts and a few weeks later, he invited us for the gift he pledged. Surprisingly, he gave me car keys. And today, I am among the musicians who own cars.

What challenges do you face as a young artiste?
My music is not given adequate attention by some Christian based Radio and TV channels, saying the song attacks their services.
And lastly, who is your role model?
She is Judith Babirye