KAMPALA – “God is good. A couple of months ago a mother approached me seeking for me to help send her daughter to India for a heart surgery that would save her life. Looking at the condition of Sheila and looking at all my children playing around, I was really touched and felt the need to do anything in my possession to help,” Bebe Cool revealed while announcing his partnership with Betway to save lives.
“I called on a few friends for help and posted on this page seeking for support. These friends were hands on as we were able to send baby Sheilla to India for the needed operation. Ladies and gentlemen I am proud to inform you that baby Sheilla had a successful first operation and is back in a much healthier state.”
He further revealed that it will not end at that as the baby will need a second and final operation in one year from now “but at this moment let us part our selves on the back for the prayers, financial and all other kinds of support that was offered to save this little angel’s life”
And while baby Sheilla is in a safer state now, there are five more of these children with the same heart complication that need our support.
“The treatment these kids need is $5,000 (about 19million) but in most cases, many are held back for lack of air tickets which cost $2,000 (about shs.3million) but why would a child die because of just 3million?”
He has thus organised a concert scheduled for 3rd, August 2018 at Serena Hotel to raise more funds to send the rest of these five precious children to India for the same operation.
“My friends, family and fans with golden hearts, come let’s celebrate life while giving hope to these gorgeous souls. Love the life you live and live the life you love.”
Betway has already bought 100 tickets to the show at a cost of Shs20million.
“As one of the bright stars of Ugandan music, Bebe Cool has been a great ambassador for the country, his popularity has spread from Africa to Europe, Asia and the Americas. His talent has seen him receive numerous awards while performing to sold-out venues and spreading the Ugandan culture around the globe. Despite his fame, he has remained humble doing all he can to assist disadvantaged children. Betway is proud to be associated with one of Uganda’s best.”