KAMPALA- Ugandan artiste Maurice Kirya has come out to defend his fellow singer Michael Ross who was on Saturday embarrassed when he was thrown off stage at Jonnie Walker Soul R& B concert while an American singer Ginuwine was on stage performing.
According to Kirya, Ross grew up practicing dance skills and he was inspired by Ginuwine.
Through his social media platforms, Kirya says even if he performed on the Ginuwine stage, he completely believes Ross deserved the stage more than anyone else because of the love he has had for Ginuwine since childhood.
“I just got off the phone with my brother Myko Ross, just to check on him! when I was younger, Myko and I would meet at my mother’s house and practice dancing, I wasted so much time before I realised my dancing sucked, but Myko?… he had the gift, he emulated Ginuwine to the dot and would even unbutton his shirt to reveal his skinny chest and six packs to screaming adoring fans, he was our own Ginuwine, our own usher, our Michael Jackson,” Kirya stated.
“He dwelled into the world of dance un-apologetically, we embraced him, we got so close to him before he realised he let us get too close to him.”
“About the Ginuwine show, I totally understand what it meant to Myko to jump on stage, even though I performed on that stage, Myko deserved that stage better than anyone else,” he added.
Kirya also says Ross is among other things their dancing icon, legend that inspired them into the music career.
“Deep down, I know that Myko is our treasure, an icon, a legend, a star that tells out very own Ugandan story of resilience, I praise him now, because it’s on days like this when he needs his true friends, and true fans, Michael Ross forever.”
Michael Ross started his dancing career at the age of eight and later into music in 2002.