KAMPALA – The Uganda Management Institute, on Wednesday, May 29, awarded exceptional personalities and Institutions at the Chancellor’s dinner held at Protea Hotel, Kampala.
This was part of the series of year-long activities to mark Golden Jubilee in celebration milestones achieved in the journey.
Dr. James Nkata, Director General, Uganda Management Institute said;
“Tonight, you are hosting us to a special dinner and we have two things to celebrate, golden jubilee and the eve dinner for the graduation. As we celebrate this year, we sit down and audit our success and failure and this day is about our great achievements.”

He further noted;
“We have been at the forefront of developing our country and have ably done. We are proud to produce the majority of Ugandans that are highly placed in the public sector as the sole trainer and become one of the most recognised Institutions in Uganda and beyond. In the near future, we are getting ISO Certified which makes us the first institution in the country with such a status.”
Mr. Francis Xavier Lubanga, Chairman Governing Council said;
“I urge you to put service above self so that we uphold the name of the Institution through integrity and admission of students, and quality service delivery. This will steer up performance accountability and pledge to give full support to management in their stride to achieve ISO certification as well as the bid in exploring Information Communication Technology (ICT) and the votes for this have been passed.”
He added:
“We can’t afford to be local and we are marching towards the realisation of being an International institution and the time is now to stop sending public servants to abroad to achieve what is available here as echoed by President Museveni because all the capability, willingness and disposition to attain this is available.”

Prof. John Ssebuwufu, an awardee said:
“I spent 9 years as chairman board of directors and feel honoured that the people have recognized me and one of the notable aspects was starting of first Masters of Arts degree at the institution, long distance learning to facilitate international and rehabilitation of the buildings among others are the reasons for my award.”
– Longest serving employee (Benfasio Kiwanuka)
– Exemplary teaching Staff (Dr.Elizabeth Kawuma)
– Exemplary non-teaching Staff (Dr Rose Kwatampora).
Ministries, Department and Agencies
-Office of the President.
– Ministry of Education and Sports
– Ministry of Public Service
– Ministry of Local Government
– Uganda Prisons Service
-Mbarara district
– Mbale Municipal Council.
-Mbale District.
-Gulu District
Former principals/Directors and General
– Dr..Laban Kirya.
– Mr.James Kalebbo
-Dr.John Kiyaga Nsubuga
-Mr.Deo Lukonji Bbosa
International recognition.
-Dr. John Mary Kauzya
Former Chairpersons
-Prof John Ssebuwufu
-Mr Albert William Musoke
– Hon .C.G.Kiwanuka Musisi
Outstanding Contributions
-Late Shree Madhvani and Family
-Mr. Edward Darlington Kago(Marketing)
-Dr.John Mitala (Public Administration)
-Mrs Florence Mugasha ( Founding
-Dr. James Nkata( Current Director General )