FORT PORTAL – Princess Ruth Komuntale is set to wed her longtime fiancé Phillip Anthony a Jamaican Deejay based in Doha, Qatar this December 2019.
The Princess went public about her new love in October 2018 when she announced through her Instagram page that “I thank God for him every day. My angel sent from heaven. You’re everything I’ve always needed in a man my love.”
This December, according to Tooro Bulletin, Tooro Kingdom will officially have a new Duke, and it is rumoured that Phillip has already met the royal family and was given a pet name of Amooti.

The Duke to be according to his Instagram profile, Phil is an IT engineer. However, posts on his account suggest that he is also a DJ, going by the stage name DJ Durty Phil.
This comes after four years since Komuntale’s first marriage to an American man, Christopher Thomas, crushed barely a year after their wedding in 2012.
Tooro Bulletin noted that Thomas who had earlier refused to sign divorce papers has finally bowed to pressure and agreed to sign, paving way for Philip.