KAMULI – An Australian Pentecostal leader has cautioned Ugandans against false prophets who use scripture for their own selfish interests.
Pastor Ken Legg of New Beginnings Christian Church Australia said there are many false prophets who misinterpreted scripture and then sow seeds of discord among Christians.
He urged Christians to seek God’s grace so as to be able to identify such fake people.
“We got God’s grace through Christ and now need faith to overcome temptations and sins,” Pastor Legg said while closing a conference organized by Kamuli Pastors Fellowship at Kamuli Pentecostal Church at the weekend.
He challenged Christians to fight for moral and spiritual growth to lead upright lives, blaming homosexuality and moral degeneration on the excitement that can be fought “through Christ’s way who came to save sinners, dined and associated with sinners to change them”.
On tithing, the Australian pastor clarified that Malachi talked about the basic minimum but people are free to give above 10%. “Because everything belongs to God and giving is more blessed than receiving, the more you give the more you get,” he said.
The host pastor, Fred Sempijja, warned of mushrooming faith-based churches hyping on Old teachings that have been overtaken by Christ’s coming. He said spiritual revival calls for constant enlightenments; buildup of faith and spiritual guidance.
The remarks come as Pastor Aloysius Bujjingo comes under fire over recent actions and outbursts about his relationship with his wife.
The National Fellowship of Born-Again Pentecostal Churches (NFBPC) recently said that Pastor Bujjingo’s actions do not reflect the doctrine that they subscribe to and promote.
“Therefore, we hereby denounce and dissociate ourselves from Pastor Aloysius Bugingo’s practices, outbursts, behaviour and doctrine. We, therefore, do not recognize his ministry until we see genuine repentance and an acceptable change. As church leaders, we preach and teach marital faithfulness, forgiveness, and reconciliation and we do not condone marital unfaithfulness, immorality, divorce and any doctrine that undermines the sanctity of marriage and family,” they said in a statement signed by Bishop Joshua Lwere, Rev Dr. Simon Emiau, and Bishop Daniel Waddimba.