KAMPALA – The Albino fraternity in Uganda has on Tuesday, September 17, screened a short a movie titled “Ndi mulungi mu langi yonna” at National Theatre.
It focusses on their background experiences right from growing up as albinos in Uganda; the treatment, perception the communities have about them ranging from discrimination, reaction, teasing them about their complexion, men and women hitting on them among others.
Mr. Martin Lubwama, one of the actors said,
“I thank Anna Scheu Amigo and the team, this is a call to look at people beyond disability and I envision a society where people dont label others about what is peculiar about them but value them.
Let us celebrate beauty beyond what we see and that is inclusion and human.”
The informative film draws about some initiatives done to create awareness about promoting confidence among persons with albinism, for instance, some of them featuring in songs such as “Boda Boda” by Maurice Kirya, taking part in the iinclusive Malengo Hot pink Fashion show, Kampala Fashion week, to mention but a few all geared towards educating the public.
Needless to say, there was a session to interact with the audience and ask questions related to albinism with Patrobert Larubi, Madina Muteesi, Martin Lubwama and Ana Schue on the panel.
The 35 Minutes short film had characters like Madina Muteesi (student and upcoming entrepreneur), Martin Lubwama (SDGS Ambassador at Malengo foundation), Sarah Namatovu (Activists and Programmes Officer at Show Abilities Uganda) and Phyliss Pekke (ICT, lifestyle and fashion) with Anna Scheu Amigo as the director and Frank Mugisha as the producer