WASHINGTON D.C. – Rapper GNL Zamba and wife Miriam Tamar have dropped ‘Searching’ a new release under their cross-cultural musical duo Nsimbi.
‘Searching’ speaks of a joyous moment, when so many people are searching for grounding, stability, meaning, connection and love.
According to Ms Miriam Tamar, in these complicated and tough Covid times so many people can feel isolated both physically and emotionally.
“For me, ‘Searching’ talks about that basic human need for love and connection. Being loved, or giving love, provides each of us the strength to endure and even thrive during the most difficult situations,” she explains.
Nsimbi is driven by a calling to bring the world a little closer together at a time when we have become so divided, both politically and now physically through social distancing during the pandemic.
This world beat song carries the spirit of searching for connection, offering a chill and a hopeful feeling for anyone needing some music therapy.
The video was filmed at Nsimbi’s US quarantine hideaway by GNL Zamba in his directorial debut, which came as a matter of necessity when the couple was unable to meet any video producers due to Covid-19lockdown.
“We are all just searching for love,” the lyric goes in this song. All human beings spend most of their lives looking for love and a place where they belong. The pressure of these times with the Black Lives Matter protests, refugee crisis in Lesbos and chaos in South America tell us that the world needs healing and to replenish our hearts with love. Searching for humanity, empathy and love for all, the solutions lie in going out of our way to feel someone else’s pain,” said GNL Zamba commented about the song.
Zamba also explains that when he was directing this video, he wanted to show a story of connection.
“I wanted to show beauty and portray loneliness, because even in the most comfortable setting, we can feel lost until we have someone to share our beautiful journey with. Looking inward and outwards, sharing the mundane and extra ordinary.”
Nsimbi is the name given to the cowrie shell in Uganda, a “seed” found on all shores of the world. Named after this original unifying seed, Nsimbi is a cross-cultural musical duo formed by international award-winning musicians and social-entrepreneurs, Ugandan hip-hop pioneer GNL Zamba and American world fusion artist Miriam Tamar. Nsimbi met in Uganda in 2012 in Uganda and has collaborated in Africa and in the United States.
As passionate global citizens, Nsimbi uses ancient wisdom to inform the present through multimedia arts and events that promote cross-cultural exchange, appreciation, dialogue and unity.
It is their different backgrounds, different stories, customs and colors that make Nsimbi a celebration of diversity and champion of bringing people from around the world back together.
Nsimbi aims to unify without uniformity, encourages expression without conformity- all represented by the symbol of infinity in the cowrie shell. Nsimbi reflects the limitless beauty of the diverse universe we all share.