KAMPALA – Singer Bruno Kiggundu alias Bruno K has shared his experience after contracting and eventually defeating the deadly Covid-19 disease.
Through a lengthy post on his Facebook page on Tuesday, the Faridah hit maker noted that it’s so disheartening that many people are still taking Covid-19 as a simple joke, not knowing that it’s the worst disease that can happen to someone.
“Many of you are out there spreading foolish propagandas that Covid doesn’t exist but this is so real and dangerous. You people who love kissing kissing strangers’ you are in serious trouble,” he said.
The singer shared that the day he got Covid 19 is the day he stopped making jokes about this disease. It all started as a fever and he was feeling so weak which prompted him to run to the nearest clinic for a checkup and the malaria results came out positive.
The doctor immediately prescribed for him a malaria dose which he took for three days but nothing was changing as he still felt so weak and dehydrated.
“Eventually I lost my sense to smell and I started having difficulties in breathing and having a serious running stomach. I talked to my very close friend that I hang out with a lot and my friend told me it may be Covid 19. My friend got sick the next day and when he went to the clinic they told him its typhoid, because my friend is a curious one he went to Mulago and took a Covid test which later came out positive. My friend called me and told me “Bruno I think u also have Covid bro,” he shares.
Kiggundu explains that his friend had a lot of info about how to go about the virus which he gave to him and he immediately dropped the malaria drugs and began fighting the virus.
“He told me to get ginger, lemon, metho plus, and put them in hot water either in a bucket or basin, cover myself with something, for example a blanket or sheet as I breathe in and out the steam coming from the hot water for 10- 15 minutes. I started steaming 4 times a day. The 1st day I started feeling a little bit better. So the next day I didn’t steam and guess what, things became worse,” he shares.
He later called his cousin who is a doctor who advised him to keep steaming nonstop, a thing he resumed nonstop for four days when he felt much better as he had lost his senses of smell and taste.
After a week and three days, he was feeling fine but he was advised to keep steaming once a day and also take the concoctions because the Covid-19 virus is a tricky one.
He explains that he chose to share this story because many people are out there spreading foolish propagandas that Covid doesn’t exist. He says one of those doubting Thomas’s till he fell sick himself.
“We can fight this virus but I still feel people are still so ignorant about it. Imagine so many people don’t know about this steaming thing? I followed what I was told, isolated myself for like 3 weeks, did my steaming and I got better. I actually feel so healthy. If you are still having your doubts about this virus visit Mulago hospital or ask any one that has lost a loved one. This virus can finish you in days,” he says.
Bruno adds that never in his life had he felt so helpless and sick like the time he contracted the Covid-19 virus.
“Imagine struggling to breath, you can’t even hold your breath for just 10 seconds you feel like you are suffocating… mwe temuzanyila ku Covid Kubanga I had never witnessed a disease eluma nga Covid. If you are still healthy and safe, stay put on your mask whenever you are around people and avoid handshakes, sijuyi hugs ebyo mubiveko.”