KAMPALA – Speke Apartments has written to the American Embassy in Uganda bringing to their notice a case reported at Jinja Road police station under reference SDRE/15/25/12/2020 where a renowned socialite Sheilah Nandege alias Don Zella had complained of a break in to a hotel room at Speke Apartments where she allegedly lost USD 90,000.
The letter is also in copy to the European Union, Financial Intelligence Authority since both organs have to monitor the case closely.
In the letter, Ahmed Bongo the head of security at Speke Group says that Don Zella did not seem eager to follow up with the police on the matter and never asked of the state of the said American currency.
Bongo explains that as CCTV footage exists and can be availed pointing to likely connivance between the said Sheila Nandege and the then said principal suspect in the CCTV footage, police effected the arrest of the principal suspect.
“On arrest, the suspect was found with upto USD 80,000 (United States Dollars Eighty Thousand) in counterfeit American currency and other European currencies. The exibits are still at Jinja Road police and Sheila Nandege is still at large with indications she will likely leave the country soon,” he wrote.
Bongo added that it appears evident that there is an international racket inclusive of the arrested suspect and Don Zella dealing in counterfeit American and European currencies.
“The purpose of this letter therefore is to bring the above information to your attention, to implore you to interest yourself in the prospect of an international racket dealing in conterfeit American and European currencies and to pursue the matter to a logical conclusion as per your nation’s laws,” he explained.

Bongo added that; “Suffice to note, as with such crimes, this has related crimes including seemingly staged burglary and as the police will likely share, there have been apparent threats metered out.”
The struggling socialite had earlier on through her Lawyers Semuyaba Iga and Company Advocates dragged Speke Apartments to Court seeking compensation amounting to Ugx 461million for damages caused in the alleged break in of her hotel room.
However, she has since pulled down her social media post after evidence emerged that she had faked the robbery with her Sister and close associate Ojok to tarnish the image of Speke Apartments. This was after CCTV footage at Speke Apartments emerged showing how the three were connected and knew eachother.