KAMPALA – Legendary gospel singer and Ex-MP Judith Babirye has opened up on how she faced the worst with Gender Based Violence (GBV) that had her subjected to possible electrocution and suffocation.
Babirye in 2005, was married to Samuel Niwo, a relationship that was blessed with a fruit of a daughter in 2006.
The couple however separated in 2009 and in January 2017, where Babirye filed for divorce before getting married to fellow MP Paul Musoke Ssebulime in 2018.
The ‘Wanjagala’ singer had for long been rumored to be going through depression because of the failed marriage.
She singer tried to keep tight lipped on her private affairs until in 2018 when she opened up about how she attempted committing suicide due to the toxic marriage.
In a Facebook post she shared on her page on Tuesday, Babirye opened up on how GBV left her at the verge of being electrocuted and suffocated in the hands of her lover.
“What do you do when your best human tries to electrocute you? What do you do when that person tries to suffocate you? What do you do when you realize someone is so determined to kill you? I have live to tell a story that that many women have not been able to,” Babirye posted.
The singer added that she would love to follow in the footsteps of Sojourner Truth (1997-1883) who was tired of being a slave and she spoke up not to change her past but rather change the future of African American woman.
“I follow her footsteps to speak against Gender based violence not to change my past, but rather change the future of that woman trapped in a maze of Gender based violence.”
Babirye shared that she was always engulfed in fear but she is no longer a slave to fear and Gender Based Violence since God has given her another chance to live.
According to her, many have perished because they feared to speak up and now she speaks for that woman who bled to death with no medical explanation.
“I speak because I am a woman. If one woman Sojouurner changed her times to this day, we can together end gender based violence. I silent no more, Aint I a woman? Join me, you are the Arms of Love the world is waiting for.”
The former Buikwe District Woman legislator had also come out recently and shared how she had to hide her tears trying to forget her bad past and how she was now on the road to recovery.
“I have hidden my tears and pain under my dimples and smile, desiring to forget my past. But I cannot ignore the severe effects on my mental health anymore.
Daily, I struggle with depression, anxiety, constant panic attacks, fear and nightmares. I have been there and yes, ‘am on the road to recovery, it is still a long way. Thanks to God Almighty, the Doctors, family and you my friends, there is hope,” she shared.
She went ahead to call upon the community to open their eyes and arms to kindly embrace the survivors of Gender Based Violence because love is all they need.
“I urge the community to open their eyes to this reality, open their arms and be kind to survivors of Gender Based Violence. Become the arms of love we all need #armsoflove.”