KAMPALA – Movit Products Limited through their popular Baby Junior brand have donated personal care items to Nsambya Babies Home.
Key among the items delivered on Friday, September 15, include Baby Junior jelly, soap, clothes, and buckets.
Steven Mukisa, the senior sales manager at Moving Products Limited told this website that the company sought to contribute to the ongoing fundraising drive that seeks to support the less privileged children at the Nsambya charity home.
“Our visit here today, we are presenting a few of our products for daily use for the children, some jelly soap, T-shirts, buckets, and a few other things that we think will actually be able to help in the work that this baby’s home does to take care of these little ones,” Mukisa told PML Daily in an interview.
He added: “Ugandans have been supporting us as a company for more than 20 years and we are who we are because of Ugandan consumers. We, therefore, decided to come to the help of Nsambya Babies Home since they are part of the community we serve. We owe a great responsibility to help humanity and donating to these children is part of this cause.
“These children are the future of our country that we thought it prudent to give back to them and support the efforts to raise them into senior citizens in this country.”
He urged more corporate brands to step out of the shadow and donate to such lifesaving causes.
“We felt the burden upon us to support the work that this charity organization does but we also ask other organisations and the general public out there to come and support the work done by this babies’ home,” Mukisa added.
Nsambya Babies Home which is under the Child Welfare and Adoption Society (CWAS) shelters 30 children, according to Rev. Sr. Maria Teddy Nakyanzi, the administrator of Nsambya Babies Home.
She said the number of abandoned children has been skyrocketing in the recent past and called for more support towards the Catholic Church-founded home.
Nsambya Babies Home administrators have since organized a charity walk to help fundraise between UGX60 million and UGX70 million to help improve the babies’ well-being at the charity home.
The walk is slated for September 30 in Kampala, according to Rev. Sr. Nakyanzi.
“We seek people of goodwill to join us in raising funds to look after these unprivileged children. Those who might not be able to attend the charity walk can support by buying items from the children’s shop we have at home. Proceeds from here are used to buy milk and other items for children,” she said.