An American rapper Cornell Iral Haynes Jr alias Nelly has strike his dad Cornell Haynes Sr on social media for not caring him when he was still young.
A 43 year old rapper has revealed not to pay his dad’s bills anymore.
“The word father is strong word … something I never knew anything about as a child because mine never did what he had to do only what he wanted, HOPE IT WAS WORTH IT POPS IM DONE WITH YA NO MORE MONEY FROM ME’ LET THEM PAY YA BILLS..!!”, he tweeted.
“You don’t see my mama … should have known she would hold it down she always had a job came to my games saw her son graduate saw me score my 1st touchdown bought me my 1st pair of J’s wiped my tear away when I lost the big game and taught me how to play sports.! “I’M MAMAS BOY.” he added.

He didn’t reveal the reason for the outburst but he says being a father doesn’t only mean biological.
“Just because it’s ya DNA DONT MAKE YOU A FATHER..!!! Mine never saw me play sports never taught me anything never saw me graduate and I still took care of him for almost 20 years he never to care of me for half that..!!!! And till this day he still does whatever he wants even though I pay his bills.. “WELL USE TO”..!!! That’s Over as of tonight..!!!,” he wrote.
Nelly thanked moms who take the responsibility to play roles of both parents.
“S/O to all the mamas that had to be fathers for the kids…to my mama who taught me how to catch and play ball took me to my game borrowed money to buy me cleats and stood up and cheered when I walked the stage .. I LOVE YOU Mama….!! I GET IT NOW TOTALLY..!!!” he said.
Nelly is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, entrepreneur, investor, and occasional actor from St. Louis, Missouri. Wikipedia married with a son and a daughter.