MUKONO – Uganda’s legendary band Afrigo, on Saturday, November 9, treaded the elderly down memory lane at Collins Hotel Gardens in Mukono District.
The band that had not performed in Mukono for two straight years stepped on stage at about 10:45 pm to feed their hungry fans.
Songbird Iryn Namubiru was a curtain-raiser with her Begombeko and she had a wonderful time with fans singing along.
The crowd then went wild begging for more and Iryn did not disappoint. She did Kabi ki”, Kawoowo, Makanika, Birowoozo and wrapped up with Tebiba Bingi setting a tempo for Afrigo.
The revellers had flocked the venue in expectation of a battle between Afrigo band and a Congolese band Treasure Maza, but Afrigo Band leader Mzee Moses Matovu brushed off the claims upon stepping on stage.

“I heard that we have come here for a battle of bands. Afrigo Band just loves to play and produce good music for their fans and not to battle people.”
They set off with their signature song Abana b’Afrigo followed by Jim by Joanita Kawalya and the crowd went into a frenzy singing along into Rachael Magoola’s Obangaina. They then did, Teri Mubi and Maria by Moses Matovu
Treasure Maza performed hits like Abayo Bayo, Malembe and Mazina Makya their new song.
The band performed a song specially composed for Dr. James Akampumuza titled Agandi where they thank him for the work he has done for Rutanga Foundation.
“Proceeds from the event will go towards renovating Kaharo P/S founded by Mzee Rutanga” confirms Dr. Akampumuza one of the organisers of the charity show.
Rutanga Foundation was launched in commemoration of the late Yosamu Rutanga being the founder of Kaharo Primary School in 1945 who used the band to mobilize children to join the school.
His children said they started Rutanga Foundation to promote education in Kaharo.

They have improved infrastructure in the school to make it a model primary and secondary school in Kaharo area saying it is only through education that the area can be developed.
Mzee Rutanga is remembered for introducing a band that used locally made musical instruments like flutes made out of plants such as ekinimba and ekijembajembe, which sound more like a bugle, calabashes, and drums together with other improvised instruments.
It is reported that the band moved around the village enticing children and their parents to choose education instead of domestic chores.
On Saturday, November 16, the family will hold a fundraising dinner and dance at the Golf View Hotel with entertainment by Treasure Maza Band.