KAMPALA – Many children out there would so much be looking up to their parents as probable role models, following their footsteps in the careers they intend to pursue. The case is however different with Finera Sserugga Nagayi, a daughter to Presidential Advisor and Golden Band Singer Catherine Kusasira.
According to Finera, it is not that every artist in the music industry is good and she does not have to love Catherine Kusasira’s music simply because she is her mother.
“Fine, her songs are good and have a message to the people that love them but that’s not me. I have spoken the fact and people should not take it the other way round. I love my mother for her good heart, her skin, I admire her car, her strong character and dedication to her children,” she says.
Finera adds that her father (Fred Serugga) also sings but she has taken really long to see him sing and he is not the person you will frequently find going for a show to perform.
“In the music industry I look up to Spice Diana, I follow her and I know what she has done. At her young age she is building a house, is into charity and cares for those that love her. I have never met her but I wish to, she said she wants to see me and promised me something, she called mummy recently and told her she will write for me a song and I record it at her Salama based 32 Records,” she shares.
The young and hopeful singer also confesses that she sees and hears all the public says about her mother ever since she became a presidential advisor.
She explains that she intimated to her mother after her appointment not to expect a soft landing for what she was going into.
“You can’t get everything on a silver platter. Expect abusing, crying and big achievements. There is a time I saw her crying when Full Figure was abusing her, I really felt bad. She was crying asking herself why Full Figure was acting that way towards her yet they have been long-time friends. We are also witnesses to their friendship as she (Full figure) has always been our aunt. She carried me first when I had just been born, I am sure there was something behind her abusing her, I do to believe she abused Mum because she doesn’t love her,” she explains.
According to Catherine Kusasira, her daughter has a right to admire and look up to whoever she wants because her being the mother does not take away the child’s sense of judgement and she is not obliged to like her music.
“I like a child that speaks her heart, unlike the pretenders, she is real. I groomed my children to fear the Lord and I know most things happen by God’s mercy. Every person has an artist they admire, I myself love Rema and Spice Diana’s music,” She shares.
Kusasira explains that when they (her generation) started singing, there were some people they found who they eventually took off the scene.
“I can’t be angry with her, I am actually happy that her inspiration is a good songstress and it gives me utmost pleasure to know that. I would be disappointed if she pointed out someone who does not have good vocals like me. I am one of the best female artists in the country and that will never go away.”