KAMPALA – Police in Kampala has shocked the revellers who were planning to attend a concert at Dungu Resort on Saturday evening by cancelling it.
The much-anticipated music show was to feature Nigeria’s music star Ruger, the Dior man.
In a statement, police say that the organisers failed to meet basic security and safety standards.
“The organisers were given guidelines to follow, like having a traffic plan for the revellers, who are to attend the show, putting in place access control measures, liaising with the territorial police and informing them about the number of revellers they expect to attend, having an ambulance in place from a recognised hospital, putting in place measure of crowd control, and also obtaining clearance from the venue owner and local authorities. Unfortunately, they have failed to meet the guidelines prompting us to stop the event to avoid incidents that can lead to accidents and safety breach,” Luke Owoyesigyire, the Kampala Metropolitan Police deputy spokesperson said.
“We advise anyone, who intends to attend the February 12 event at Dungu resort Munonyo, not to do so to avoid any inconveniences.”
Police said all their territorial police commanders have been informed accordingly, to ensure no planned concerts are held in insecure environments.