NTUNGAMO – Medics under the Lions Clubs in the western region have on Thursday expressed concerns over limited or no awareness on the prevalence of diabetes and hypertension in their communities.
The health experts have noted that the disease has caused many challenges to the affected people that need special attention.
While speaking at a Diabetes and Hypertension screening camp at the Ntungamo merchants market in Kahunga on Thursday, September 5, the Diabetes Coordinator for the Lions Club in Western region, Dr Kihinda Natukunda said while many people screened in different camps in the region have no diabetic signs, the few who have the disease are in advanced stages and yet they are not aware of it.
Dr Kihinda called for continued screening by different stakeholders that many people can be saved from such behavioral diseases like Diabetes and Hypertension (high blood pressure).
“These illneses are silent killers, so the population must take note and ensure they get tested to ascertain their health status if we are to uproot it from the country,”Dr Kihinda advised.
The President of the Ntungamo Lions Club, Perez Rumanzi said the Lions are organising a diabetes walk, run and aerobics in Ntungamo district with a day gazzeted for the activities every week that will screen individuals who are affected by such behavioral infections to curb them before they get out of hand.
With exercises and good feeding practices, such illnesses can be dealt with according to Dr Kihinda.
“The country is majorly concerned with cancer and HIV/AIDS giving a deaf ear to hypertension and diabetes. However, we are now launching the initiative countrywide to ensure that these illnesses are also dealt with,” Rumanzi unveils the plans.
At least 145 persons were screened in the merchant market service with at least 50 of the screened found to be diabetic or hypertensive yet they never knew they had the infections.
Dr Kihinda, however, said out of the many camps they have realized that many community members have eye infections that need immediate treatment or risk having a blind society in future.