MURCHISON FALLS – Five poachers arrested for killing a giraffe in Murchison Falls National Park have been convicted for five years by Chief Magistrate His Worship Dawa Matenga.
The five convicted include Okumu Ronnie 26, Owachigu Richard 18, Lakari Bosco 33, Chekichan Parick 24 and Abedi Micheal 36 all residents of Pakwach district.
They were arrested by Uganda Wildlife Authority rangers on 13 September 2019 after killing a giraffe in Semanya with in Murchison Falls National Park.
They were taken to Nwoya Central Police Station and were accordingly charged per the Uganda Wildlife Act cap 200 of the 2000 laws of Uganda.
The accused took plea before the Magistrate court before Chief Magistrate seating in Nwoya His Worship Dawa Matenga and pleaded guilty to the charge. Uganda Wildlife Authority was represented by Prosecutor Okenyi Charles.
Poaching is one of the greatest challenges faced in the process of preservation and conserving wildlife. Poachers raid parks in search for wildlife products such as ivory and bush meat. This does not only threaten the safety of animals but also reduced their numbers.
In early 1970s the giraffe population in Murchison Falls was about 200 individuals and this number declined as a result of relentless armed poaching because of the wars that led to insecurity in the area making wildlife conservation risky.
Aerials surveys conducted in 1991 estimated the population at 78 giraffes. With improved law enforcement and good wildlife monitoring, the giraffe population in MFNP has emerged from a mere 153 individuals in 1995 to now over 1,500.
The giraffe population in MFNP is of extreme importance both locally and globally because it is the only largest population of the Rothschild giraffe existing in their original natural habitat. More than 60% of the global Nubian giraffe in the wild is found in MFNP.
Convicted poachers that killed a Giraffe in Murchison Falls National Park.