KAMPALA — In the 1980s, Uganda became the epicenter of a viral disease (HIV/AIDs). An epidemic which severely impacted various regions of the country.
Twesigye Jackson’s book Victory For My Village is a tale of man who commits himself to restoring hope of HIV/AIDs orphans and later on a village devastated by an HIV/AIDs and poverty.
It is an inspirational and educational book depicting a picture of what society can achieve through the collective efforts of a global community that comes together against a particular cause.
This fascinating story is sequel to Jackson’s other book ‘A School For My Village’.
The book presents a memorable/inspirational account of a man who overcomes all odds and refuses to accept any rejection on his journey to achieve his dream of building a school for needy children.
To Twesigye, a school alone was not enough. The community needed more – a water supply system, hospital, library and secondary school. The vulnerable grandmothers who had become caretakers of the children needed a helping hand.
The urge to build a comprehensive and sustainable community inspired him to embark on several other projects like the grand mother program.
Despite the hiccups on the journey, Twesigye was not close to letting any bumps stop him from transforming Nyakagyezi ‘Nyaka’ as it is commonly refered to in the book.
Victory for My Village gives immense information on community development and international development.
The account goes as far as provides insights on an holistic approach to community development.
It is a testimony of how an African led grassroot non-profit organization thrives to a level of attracting top notch donor organizations like Segal Family Foundation.
The story is written in simple language mixed with a few Rukiga words which make the tale entertaining and readable for anyone.
The success stories from beneficiaries make the story super believable.