Dear Team Kajwengye
Dear NRM supporters
Dear People of Nyabushozi,
I have unfairly been attacked on the basis that it was illegal for me to declare my self as winner of the NRM primaries in nyabushozi . That the returning officer has absolute powers to declare a flag bearer and no one has power to stop the announcement of a flag bearer. A flag bearer was announced and that is all about it. Also that my strategy was to use social media and radio and audios to declare myself a winner. That my purported actions are allegedly illegal.
Dear comrades, It has been more than a week since Col Fred Mwesigye’s declaration was cancelled and suspended. It is important that we explain the facts and debunk the myths so that those who tried to steal an election and impose themselves on the people must not be allowed to succeed. Our resolve must also not be underestimated.
Firstly, I did not break any law when I stated that I won this election. How can the truth be illegal? How can facts be unlawful?
The real unlawful act was done in the name of the NRM registrar/returning officer of kiruhura Distrìct. There was falsification of results. That is criminal. There was uttering of false documents. There was fraud. There was forgery. All these acts are criminal. How can I be asked to abide by such a fraudulent declaration?
Let me give u a few notorious examples;
1. In Kanyabihara cell, Kenshunga Subcounty, Col Fred Mwesigye got 102 votes. David Andinda Agom, the returning officer at the district gave him 402 votes. Is that not criminal?
2. In Kayanga Cell, in Kenshunga we won. We got 60 votes. Fred Mwesigye got 30 votes. The returning officer gave him 830 votes. They expect us to accept? Does Fred Mwesigye really believe he has 830 voters in Kayanga? Can he even produce just 80 supporters there ?
3. In Karuroko, Kikatsi Col Mwesigye got 116 votes..they were inflated to 769 by the officials.
4. In Naama central in kinoni Subcounty we won. We got 240 votes. Mwesigye got 183. The great returning officer claims Mwesigye got 500 votes from Naama central.
5.In Kashwa in kiruhura town council we won. We got 76 votes Mwesigye had 64 votes. The results which they declared give Mwesigye 466 votes.
6. In Nyakasharara in Kiruhura town council mwesigye got 59 votes. The returning officer recorded those votes as 1006 votes. Really?? In Kiruhura town council on the main road Mwesigye has 1006 votes.. this is not just theft. This is utterly disrespectful of the people of Nyabushozi who turned on the 4/9/2020 and patiently lined up to make their voice heard.
7. In Karengyezo cell which we won Fred Mwesigye got 67 votes. He was given 521 votes.
8. In Rwenkombero, Fred Mwesigye 47 votes were made 801. Imagine this impunity.
9. In Akasusano Rwetamu Subcounty, Fred Mwesigye lost. He got 30 votes. They gave him 300 votes. They want us to concede and accept such fraud.
10. In Mugore cell, the home of the District NRM Chairman the returning officer gave Col Mwesigye over 1400 votes making Mugore one of the largest villages in uganda!!. What a joke.
These are a few examples of the blatant and shameless manner in which the will of the people of Nyabushozi was subverted by a small group including the so called returning officer. Let me be clear. The inflation of votes in Nyabushozi is clear obvious and we shall not accept it.

In order to make this fraud believable they are now inflating the voters register long after the fact and looking for my agents to sign DR forms which they had denied them on the voting day. Unfortunately for them facts are stubborn little things. And the people of Nyabushozi who witnessed these facts are still there.
The entire result was fraudulent. It is no wonder that the race for NRM Flag bearer(MP) of Nyabushozi has more votes than that of the district woman MP, which happened in the entire district not just in Nyabushozi and at the same time. It is no wonder more people voted for the Nyabushozi MP than the LC5 chairman..How does the registrar of kiruhura even imagine he can justify this impunity? I am surprised he has not yet taken advantage of the Amnesty the president extended to election thieves.
The people of Nyabushozi at great personal risk sacrificed their time to Express themselves and choose their leaders. They did it even at risk of disease, threats, intimidation etc. They took their time. They spoke. The whole country heard them. It is our historical mission to ensure that their voice is not silenced. Their choice not subverted. Their will not stolen. On this we are right. As someone said “the arc of a moral universe may be long but it bends towards justice.”
Let no one be in any doubt. We defeated Col Fred Mwesigye. We defeated him because we had a superior message and a clear agenda EnaamaNuungiY’entunguuka
We can say we won because it is true. Truth cannot be crushed. The decision to impose themselves on the people is insulting and disrespectful. It is also futile and a waste of time. We are in this marathon until the end. And make no mistake. We shall not fail.
Wilson Twiinomugisha Kajwengye