KAMPALA, December 30, 2020 — The problem is in our midst. It is slowly killing off senior citizens. It is also within young people who don’t even know they have it but because of their high immunity it hasn’t brought them down. Where is it going? The Coronavirus. Where will it end? It’s scaring right now. COVID-19 must be defeated. But how do you defeat it?
It is said that the defeat must come through the vaccine because there is no cure. The vaccine has controversies. There is a vaccine made in China, Russia, Britain, United States, Germany and India. However, the Western countries will not promote vaccines made in Russia and China. Of course, the Chinese will not promote vaccines from the Western countries. This is unfortunate because it is the world health at stake and ideology has come in to punish the ordinary people by denying them the solution to the problem. That is if it is genuine.
There is another fear that, this may be a way to control people. If it is, then damn the proponents. It is also possible that a genuine solution may have been found. It’s not easy to say whether it had been found or not. As we close the year, I believe there is no family that has not been affected. Literally all families have lost loved ones, all families have been affected with somebody being treated for COVID-19. The whole world is sacred!
What are the Solutions to COVID-19?
a) The Vaccine
The world is in a fix. The conspiracy theories raging have divided the world. It is reported, that there has been a vaccine all along! That the intentions of introducing the virus was to get people vaccinated. They wanted the world to cry out before the vaccine released. Everybody will feel the need for the vaccine if the death escalates. The more deaths, the more people fear and the more they look to the vaccine. Other people say, it has taken years to create vaccines for many diseases, how come this vaccine took such a short time. It raises the question of its genuineness.
35 years later on, why is there no vaccine for HIV/AIDs? Oh because it was intended to kill a certain race, so there was no need for the vaccine. If you go with the report that there is need to control the population and also control people, then the vaccine exists. An Israel doctor said that as they test you for the virus, the testing equipment inserts Nano particles in your nose which contain a Chip. She wondered why tests are in the nose yet the virus is in the saliva! Who should we believe? Desperate people do desperate things. We shall take the vaccine!
b) Finding the Cure
Mozambique claims they have a cure. I am sure they are not the only ones. Many communities around the world have some solutions, but they haven’t come out to say so.
However, the Western countries have dismissed Mozambique’s cure. The Mozambican President says was offered twenty million dollars ($20m) to be able to crook up the solution and make sure that it is not used by other African countries because if they did, then the big Pharmaceutical Companies will lose out on the sales that they may otherwise have got if they are the ones to sell the cure. If there is known cure, then this hullabaloo about the virus would cease. The evil minded people who created it would become irrelevant. I always get mesmerized by how people believe things. While they read about such solutions, nobody goes to question them. The Western countries will dismiss it and that is the end of it.
The Mozambique cure was dismissed partly because African countries can never find a cure to anything. Any cure that must be found, must come in through the British Journal of Medical Sciences or similar Publications. That is where the publication on the experiment about a product usage is or is usually found. We have had the case of HIV AIDs where Professor Ssali found a solution, but it was dismissed because it didn’t come through the British Journal of Medical Sciences. But Ugandans continued to use it and reportedly got better!
Africans have been lied to and made to believe they are good for nothing people. They have no faith in themselves. We are now waiting for solutions from the West. We are even borrowing from the West to manage the Coronavirus. What a pity! If Mozambique has a solution, how many countries have used/tried it out to see whether it works or not? I believe Mozambique has scientists/researchers, what have they said about this? But that is the nature of the world, Africa cannot originate anything scientific. Africa can only originate diseases, poverty and wars! What a pity and we too believe it!
c) We have the local Solutions.
Uganda has its green privilege the ‘Omululuza’, ‘lemon’, ‘Tangawizi’, and ‘garlic’ among others. All these are available as preventive solutions. Of course, it is also said that steaming is one way in which to prevent the virus from getting into your lungs. If you steam every day, chances are, the virus, if it got you, will be killed. The most difficult thing is that you don’t know where the virus is. You cannot touch it. You cannot tell who has it and this makes it a mysterious disease that requires a lot of understanding and a lot of care to be able to isolate it.
These are simple solutions that cost a song. You get tested and get into hospital, you will require Six Million Shillings (Shs. 6m) per day to get treated. This money is borrowed from IMF! If you are an ordinary citizen, chances are, there will be no beds. So my dear, don’t dare fall sick. Make these simple solutions a daily habit. I believe if we observe SOPs, steam and use these local concoctions, we shall keep away the virus. However, we also need to spend money to have our Scientists investigate these concoctions. The problem is if they are a solution, they will be discredited. What a World!
Developing “herd” immunity
Whenever you have an illness in a society and it comes out in an uncontrollable manner, initially many people will die but finally people develop immunity, what is known as group “herd” immunity. People will survive. But herd immunity is a result of many factors. Many Ugandans have malaria and it doesn’t make all of them sick. I know some people do, but not as many as those who have this untreated malaria. This is because they have been exposed our bodies have built immunity. Ordinarily “herd” immunity comes from a vaccine but not necessarily. Are we at that level of herd immunity yet? Possibly yes, but what is happening is that the virus is knocking off the elderly and given the carelessness that we have seen during elections, if the young people are overexposed, it will start knocking off the young people and we don’t know where this will end. Yes, herd immunity especially among the young people will be a part-solution.
As the year ends, we can only look back and say, thank God we are still alive. As the year begins, we should look forward and say oh God, can You give us a solution to this problem? All this we must do and trusting God the Almighty because He alone knows what the virus is. Unfortunately, our European brothers don’t believe in God anymore! So they will not pray with us. But they will use God given knowledge to find a solution. God alone knows the solution and He said that, “every disease has a solution”. So you thank God that we are live. We ask God to find us a solution to this mean virus that is taking people’s lives in such an unprecedented manner. It is scaring but we should fight it.
Stay home, stay safe, watch out, be safe, observe SOPs steam daily, use the local concoction. Keep your Elderly ones away from the public, look after them well, God loves you. May God bless you.
Have a wonderful New Year. Go ahead and make your New Year Resolutions.