KAMPALA — Former Katikkiro Daniel Mulika has been making one allegation after another over Ssaabasajja Kabaka’s health. He has accused current Katikkiro Owek Charles Peter Mayiga for neglecting the Kabaka. He did this over the weekend while speaking on a Zoom meeting to Ugandans living in Canada.
If Mayiga can’t neglect Muliika, how can he neglect the Kabaka? When Mayiga assumed office, he set out to look after his predecessors starting with Muliika who was in a financial strain. He mobilized resources and bought him a Toyota Landcrusier V8 that Muliika drives around.
Last week, the Toyota Landcruiser V8 had a mechanical problem, it was sent to Toyota in Industrial Area for repairs. The Kingdom paid Shs5m so that its former Katikkiro can be able to go wherever he wants.
Muliika has a fuel card that is loaded with Shs2 million every month. That means he can go wherever he wants. His driver is paid for by the Kingdom.
Muliika’s medical bills together with those of his wife are met by the Kingdom. Every time he or his wife feel unwell even if it’s a mere cough, they simply go to Nakasero Hospital, Paragon, Kampala or Platinum hospitals. The Kingdom meets the bills. Sometimes they go to any of the top consultant doctors in Kampala. The bill is not their problem. It is Mayiga’s to find the money.
So, if Katikkiro Mayiga can look after Muliika, the most disastrous Katikkiro ever in Kabaka Mutebi’s reign, how can he fail to look after Ssaabasajja Kabaka?
Muliika, without efforts by Katikkiro Mayiga, he would be languishing in poverty. He wouldn’t even have the transport means to attend functions from where he attacks Mayiga. And after attacking Mayiga, he has the guts to call Mayiga’s team to pay for the bills.
Before Katikkiro Mayiga occupied the Katikkiro’s office, no former Katikkiro had any such package. That money that looks after Muliika is realized from the innovativeness of Katikkiro Mayiga and his team.
Soon, we will tell you more about Muliika. Our file to expose Muliika is ready.