KATOSI —The Katosi Water Treatment Plant uses the “Dissolved Air Floatation” Technology which is more suitable for raw water predominant with algae and low turbidity.
Once the impurities and algae have been removed through the floatation process, the clarified water is filtered through Sand Filters before being disinfected and supplied to the distribution network. The Plant as such has a very low foot print, uses less chemicals in the treatment process, and uses less power because of the highly efficient process and equipment.
Project Implementation Process
Financing for the Project was secured in 2011. This was followed by the preparation of the Kampala Water Supply Master Plan between 2012 and 2014, and the Project Feasibility Study from 2013 to 2014. The Consultant to prepare Conceptual designs and Project Supervision was procured in 2015.
Subsequently, Conceptual Designs and Yellow Book Tender Documents for the Project were prepared between 2016 and 2017. The works contractor was procured between 2017 and 2018. Construction works for the Katosi Water Project commenced in August 2018 were substantially completed in March 2021.
The Plant has undergone a successful commissioning over the last three (03) months, and is currently supplying treated water to the Eastern, Northern, and Central parts of the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area.
Contract Details
Katosi Drinking Water Treatment Plant
Employer: National Water and Sewerage Corporation
Consultant: GkW Tractebel in association with Alliance Consultants Ltd
Contractor: Sogea-Satom in joint venture with Suez International
Contract Value: 82.2 million Euros
Date of Commencement: August 2018
Completion Date for Physical Works: March 2021
Plant Taking Over: July 2021
End of Defects Notification Period: March 2022
Katosi-Kampala Transmission Mains
Employer: National Water and Sewerage Corporation
Consultant: H. P. Gauff Ingenieure GmbH & Co. KG –JBG–association with Mott MacDonald Ltd, Mott MacDonald (U) Ltd & Gauff Consultants (U) Ltd
Contractor: Sogea-Satom
Contract Value: 81.9 million Euros
Date of Commencement: September 2017
Completion Date for Physical Works: March 2021
End of Defects Notification Period: March 2022
Why Katosi?
Feasibility Studies prepared in 2003 had earlier suggested the option of constructing another treatment Plant in Gaba i.e. Gaba IV. This proposal was however later dropped in the 2009 Feasibility Study update, largely because of the following;
Deteriorating water quality challenges in the Inner Murchison Bay at Gaba, which would further increase the water treatment costs at Gaba
Mitigate the risk of relying on only one Plant in a singular location i.e. Gaba
The expanding water supply coverage area especially towards the Eastern part of the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area; need to zone the water supply and distribution network for proper management
As such, the Master Plan carried out in 2009 and later updated in 2014 recommended the construction of a Water Treatment Plant in the East (Katosi) and another South of Kampala (Wakiso West). It was on this basis that the Katosi Water Treatment Plant and Transmission Mains has been constructed. Important to note is that the Katosi site is located in a forest conservation reserve, which offers a long-term protection from encroachment and pollution, thereby guaranteeing good quality water.
Project Achievements
With the completion and operationalisation of the Katosi Water Treatment Plant and Katosi-Kampala Transmission Mains, the water supply situation in Mukono and Kampala has been turned around, with the formerly dry zones all eliminated and now saturated with water. The supply areas of Mukono, Seeta, Sonde, Namugongo, Kyaliwajala, Kira, Bulindo, Naguru, Buwate, Kasangati, Gayaza, Namanve, Bweyogere, Kirinya, etc which were previously dry and had perpetual water supply challenges are all currently receiving water 24/7 from the Katosi system.
Secondly, the overstretched Gaba System has been relieved of the extra demand, and is currently being used to supply the Southern, Western and Central parts of the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area. This has resulted into improved water supply reliability in that geographical area.
Future Outlook
The current water demand within the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area is estimated to be between 280,000 to 300,000m3/day, while the Gaba Water Treatment Plant was only able to produce about 240,000m3/day. This is why there were numerous dry areas and water rationing within the City.
With the completion of the Katosi Water Treatment Plant (160,000m3/day), however, the total water production has increased to 400,000m3/day, and this is considered sufficient to meet the water supply needs in the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area over the next 10-15 years.
Focus shall be put on restructuring and expanding the water supply and distribution network to reach all the potential customers in the unserved areas. Furthermore, there is need to conserve the Katosi Catchment from encroachment and pollution if the quality of water is to be maintained undisturbed.