Former director of criminal investigations department Herbert Karugaba has responded to President Museveni’s letter to security agencies chiefs, pouring cold water on several of the reasoning the head of state advanced on torture.
In his May 15 letter addressed to the head of security agencies, including police, military and intelligence, Museveni castigated security officers who use torture as a method of interrogation, arguing that the method is “traditional” and “defective.’
The use of torture is unnecessary and wrong and must not be used again if it was being used as I see some groups claiming in the media,” Museveni said in the letter.
But Karugaba, a former director of CID who has since retired into consultancy, has diferred. In an opinion to this website, Karugaba tackles Museveni’s reasoning in the letter, arguing that they do not hold water.
But Karugaba, a former director of CID who has since retired into consultancy, has diferred. In an opinion to this website, Karugaba tackles Museveni’s reasoning in the letter, arguing that they do not hold water.
“Museveni’s reference to the fact that the allegations of torture were or are being brought up by the media and CSOs. The IGP, Kale Kayihura has categorically told the press in the past that he gets his orders directly from Museveni, and not the line ministers. Museveni gets daily Intelligence briefs from all the armed forces and intelligence orgarnisations, so it is inconceivable that he has no direct knowledge of what has been going on in places like Nalufenya Police Station,” Karugaba writes.
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