GULU–Gulu Municipality yesterday signed a contract with a Chinese company Chongqing International Construction Corporation (CICO) that will see 17 roads constructed within the municipality.
The project that is under the World Bank project Uganda support to municipal infrastructure development (USMID) will cost UGX43 billion.
This additional support by World Bank to Gulu Municipality follows its performance in the first project phase 1A and 1B where it emerged the best in the country.
In the first phase the municipality constructed 17 roads to a tune of UGX40 billion.

The CICO acting managing director, Duan Yangchan, Duan Yangchan, commended the municipal authorities for the support and cooperation extended the construction company.
He said the project will be completed in nine months and 21 days.
“We are going to work hard and complete the project in time and to the desired standards of the municipality residents,” Duan said.
While speaking at the signing ceremony, Gulu Municipality mayor George Labeja urged the contractors to commence works immediately and communicate any obstacle that could lead to delays and losses.

The president of Uganda Support to Municipal Development Forum (USIMD), Alegech George, said there is need to ensure that divisions such as Bardege Division which did not benefit from USIMD project phase 1A are considered in this second phase.
Terrance Odong, the municipality engineer, while speaking at the launch said the municipality is ready for a city status come 2018 due to the improved road networks.