The opposition whip and Kiira Municipality MP Semujju Nganda has stated that the speaker of parliament, Rebecca Kadaga should be the first to be dragged before the rules committee of parliament.
The opposition has boycotted proceedings in the house in solidarity with 25 legislators who were suspended by Rebecca Kadaga on Wednesday last week.
They were suspended for three consecutive sittings that expired on Wednesday, October 3rd.
The MPs paralyzed business in the house last week in order to block a bill seeking to lift presidential age limits.
The constitution amendment No. 2 Bill 2017 that seeks to erase presidential age limits was tabled on the floor for the first reading on Tuesday this week by its sponsor Igara west MP Raphael Magyezi and referred to the Legal Committee.
The defiance of the MPs opposed to the bill led to violent scenes and fistfights that have scarred the image of parliament.
A report compiled by the Parliamentary Police Directorate has pinned 38 Members of Parliament for allegedly causing chaos and vandalizing equipment in the Chambers last week.
The speaker Rebecca Kadaga last week referred the suspended members to the committee on rules privilege and discipline for disciplinary action.
The opposition whip Semujju Nganda, however, asserts that the speaker Rebecca Kadaga should explain her misconduct in allowing what he termed as invaders on the floor of the house.
“So Kadaga should be the first to appear before the committee on rules and discipline to explain first of all under which rule did she admitted strangers in parliament and remove MPs.”
The other opposition MPs we talked to said they have no objection to appearing before the committee to defend themselves.
The Busiro East MP Medard Segona told PML Daily that he did not feel threatened by the rules committee and said he would appear when summoned.
When quizzed on whether he would comply with being fined for damaged property Segona said he was surprised the speaker was sanctioning MPs for damaging property and yet the microphones that were purportedly destroyed were able to work immediately after the fracas.
“Well we shall wait to see the particulars of special damages they are talking about, but they were able to transact business on that very day, so what was vandalized then?” he asked cheekily.
The opposition MPs have vowed not to relent in their efforts to kick out the age limit bill.
As they streamed back to the house today the MPs declared they will not surrender in their defiance and attempts to ensure the bill does not pass.
Segona one of those who received a suspension says the house will not return to normal until the bill has been kicked out.
“Who told you it’s business as usual when the evil thing is still before us, I think we must deal with the evil before us before we get back to normal.” He remarked in reference to the age limit bill.
The opposition whip Semujju Nganda insists the battle is not yet over noting that even at the committee stage the same defiance they have exhibited will be displayed.
He sarcastically stated that the government will have to escort every stage of the bill with security forces since the opposition will block it at every opportunity as was the case last week.
The Obongi county MP Hassan Kaps Fungaroo urges Ugandans who oppose the age limit bill to resist and fight back in case of attempts by security forces to subdue them, he says the constitution protects all those who rise up to defend it.
“Fight in defense of the constitution in the roads, in your house, in parliament, fight, because you can be attacked by strangers, how can Ugandans be bullied all the times like this?” He queried.
He adds that any move to arrest or apprehend those Ugandans expressing their disapproval of the bill is illegal.
“If they imprison you that is an illegitimate imprisonment, that prison is a prison of people who captured you of thugs and robbers.”
The Bukoto East MP Florence Namayanja said the whole nation now understands the gravity of the situation as a result of the chaos in parliament.
“When we were being invaded on the floor many Ugandans didn’t know that what was going on, what we did was to expose so that things are now in broad daylight, every Ugandan now knows there is a problem and it is this problem that we want people to appreciate.” She explained.