IGANGA–Three people died instantly and 10 others sustained injuries when a lorry Reg No UEA 153H collided head-on with a taxi Reg. No UBE 301R at Bulamagi trading centre, just four kilometers off Iganga town.
The lorry was heading to lganga town from the newly-created district of Luuka while the taxi was heading in the opposite direction.
Busoga East police spokesperson James Mubbi confirmed the accident and identified the deceased as Joshua Okello, the lorry driver and James Mubbe, the taxi driver. The other deceased person had not been identified by press time.
Mubbi attributed the accident to overloading, speeding and failure to read road signs. He said the injured have been taken to Iganga hospital for treatment.
Winnie Nabirye, a witness, said the lorry crashed the taxi and Good Samaritans had to use pangas and sticks to rescue those who were still holed up in the wreckage.
David Mwesiga, a Local Council member, said the taxis plying the Luuka route are fond of speeding and advised taxi drivers to always be cautious, especially when driving through the busy centre.