By Judith Amusugut
MBALE–As many Ugandans hover in the dark in most villages across the country due to high electricity tariffs, Mbale on Wednesday launched the Mt Elgon Solar System in Bubirabi Trading Centre, Bungokho sub-county, with the purpose of enabling residents access power in their homes.
Karehu Wakungu, the team leader of Mt Elgon Self-help Community programme, said the programme aims at reducing theft of power and darkness in the region.
Bubirabi residents commended Mt Elgon Solar for extending power to their villages and bringing to an end what they termed as the analogue era.
Robert Mabonga, the chairman LC3 Bungokho sub-county, said solar will help reduce power theft in the community by enabling people get power at a low cost.
Ahamed Washaki appealed to fellow residents to take advantage of the cheap electricity and start up small scale businesses to reduce unemployment.
He urged the government to focus on technical education as the only way of helping people get skills that will enable them set up income-generating projects.