Budadri West Member of Parliament Nathan Nandala Mafabi has called for investigation of Barclays Bank and DTB over money laundering.
Calling for the arrest of former Bank of Uganda director for supervision Ms Justine Bagyenda, Mafabi says the banks have been working with her to launder money on her accounts.
The outspoken former head of Parliament’s Public Accounts committee, speaking to journalists on Monday, was reacting to a Barclays Bank statement stating that the bank was taking punitive action on the employee that released Ms Bagyenda’s bank details.
“The whistle blower act states that a whistle blower is entitled to all the security of the state and of the organisation where he is employed. If they have been sacked, we are going to ask Bank of Uganda to employ them. We are going to ensure the police protects them and President Museveni should also come out to protect them, unless he loves thieves like Bagyenda,” Mr Mafabi said.
Barclays Bank on Monday apologised to Ms Bagyenda for exposing her accounts details in the media.
This followed Diamond Trust Bank’s apology the previous week.
Barclays Bank Ltd said in a press release that disciplinary action is being taken against the employee responsible for unauthorised access to Bagyenda’s accounts in line with the law and the bank policies.
“Internal company policies, protecting our customers’ personal data is an utmost priority for us as an organisation,” the bank stated.
DTB also said one of their own staff corruptly leaked the details to outsiders.
Barclays Bank assured the general public that it takes the matter of customers’ confidentially very seriously. However, DTB on their part said the details and the figures in the bank accounts were grossly distorted.
Sources reveal that Bagyenda owns account number 5106903903 in Diamond Trust Bank described as ‘low start savings account’ which as of December 01, 2017, had a total of Shs11.4 billion.
“The same account is expecting another Shs429 million on March, 07 2018 when the Shs179 million she fixed in September 2017 at 10 per cent rate matures,” one of the sources revealed.
Read: shocking-details-on-how-former-bou-director-bagyenda-hid-billions-in-3-accounts.html
Going by that figure, Ms Bagyenda is richer than her former boss Dr Emmanuel Tumusiime Mutebile, who is the highest paid salary earner in Uganda.
Dr Mutebile, the central bank governor earns Shs53.3 million per month. According to statements available, Bagyenda has been banking Shs66.6m per week, making it Shs266m per month between 2013 and 2018
Mr Mafabi told journalists that the movement of money from one account to another is an indication of attempts to conceal the money by Ms Bagyenda, working with the banks.
“The law we passed, states that whoever participates in money laundering has to be imprisoned for 20 years. That is why Bagyenda should have been in Luzira by now, and the law stipulates that the money she stole should be returned,” Mr Mafabi told journalists.
“We are going to carryout investigations and we are going to deal with those banks because they have been doing illegal things with Bagyenda. Actually those banks should be closed because they have been involved in money laundering,” he said.
Read: banks-apologise-to-former-bou-director-over-leaked-account-details.html