KAMPALA – President Museveni ordered for the sacking of the head of Immigration Mr. Godfrey Sasaga together with the Commisioner for immigration, the powerful Anthony Namara to pave way for a corruption investigation into the department.
Sources close to the investigations told PML Daily off the record that the President wants Mr Namara, especially, investigated for an alleged botched up procurement of the E-Government passport deal.
According to sources, the loophole occasioned by the deal in question may have led to lapses that helped a neighbouring country to infiltrate the government’s intelligence services through the immigration department.
“The president is very mad about the lapse and those officials are in real trouble,” a top Internal Affairs ministry official told PML Daily.

This website on Wednesday evening broke the story of President Museveni’ s directive, delivered through Internal Afffairs Permanent Secretary Dr. Benon Mutambi to interdict the two officials in question, a development that sent tremors through the immigration department.
Dr. Mutambi, again could not be reached for comment but Internal Affairs Minister Mr Obiga Kania has in a Thursday interview with the Independent Daily Monitor confirmed the two top officials were under arrest pending investigation.
Both Mr Sasaga and Mr Namara are NRM leaning career immigration officials with Mr Namara hitherto sought to be an untouchable.
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