Police have Monday morning deployed heavily at the Mbale High Court ahead of the hearing of the age-limit petition hearing which commences on Monday April 9.
Plain clothed and uniformed police officers were sen guarding the court building while searches around the building were conducted with police using sniffer dogs.
Car traffic flow has also been diverted away from the roads near the court.
Petitioners have raised 13 issues including whether it was lawful for Parliamentarians to to extend their tenure and that of LC chairpersons from five to seven years. Petitioners also seek court to declare as unlawful the invasion of security personnel in Parliamentary chambers during the debating of the age-limit Bill and whether or not the whole process that led to the passing of the entire Bill was lawful among others .
The Bill was passed into an Act of Parliament when President Yoweri Museveni assented to it on December 27 2017.
The age-limit law which lifted the maximum presidential age-limit cap from 75 years has been since met with resistance from various sections of the public prompting the petitioners including the Uganda Law society, six Opposition party Mps and a lawyer, Male Mabirizi to ask the Constitutional court to anull it.
Five justices led by Deputy Chief Justice Alphonse Owiny -Dollo, Remmy Kasule , Kenneth Kakuru, Elizabeth Musoke and Cheborin Barishaki are to preside over the hearing.