Congregants at Namirembe Cathedral were Sunday morning thrown into panic when a man attacked the main celebrant of the Easter Sunday prayers, the Archbishop Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira.
Herbert Kaddu beat the Cathedral security, running at high speed towards the Altar where Archbishop Luwalira was conducting Service.
Clad in a floral red shirt and cream khaki trousers Kaddu reportedly drove to the Cathedral entrance in a Super Custom van, jumped out with a long stick and a bark cloth pinned to his back and stormed the church.
A barrier tripped Kaddu who fell before he reached the Archbishop. Security officers, lay-readers and some of the congregants quickly jumped to arrest Kaddu and whisked him out of church.
Bishop Luwalira said he doesn’t blame security officers for the attack because such incidences happen every day to high profile people with heavier security.
He, however said they are to have a meeting with the security team to iron out the loop holes in that department.
“I have seen the power of darkness during my service, but the most powerful thing is that I have seen the power of God.’
The 35-year-old resident of Lubaga was taken to Namirembe Police Post.
Kampala Metropolitan Police spokesperson Luke Owoyesigire said Kaddu’s family told police that he once suffered from a mental problem. However, police say he remains a suspect till his mental problem is proven.
The police spokesperson added that Kaddu’s motive hasn’t yet been established as he was not found with any other weapon other than the stick and bark cloth.