The minister of disaster preparedness, Musa Ecweru has revealed that he is to relocate people from the Elgon region which is currently affected by floods.
“I am soon sending there a group of geologists to study the soil in the area and see the way forward,” he told media at the launch of the Agribusiness expo 2018 at Kati Kati Restaurant, Kampala.
The floods have left more than 300 houses submerged.
Several people, who have been left homeless, have sought refuge in trading centers, places of worship and makeshift shelters.
The floods have as well destroyed crop gardens, leaving many with nothing to eat.
Ecweru says government is to send relief to the region soon.
Speaking at the same event, the Patricia Ejalu, the Deputy Director Uganda National Bureau of Standards urged government to increase funding to the agriculture so as to increase food production.

“Let’s grow more food so that in such situations, we don’t have to go and buy food from other countries,” she advised.
This year’s Agribusiness Expo will kick off on 22nd to 23rd June 2018 and will be hosted at Masindi Demonstration Centre-Kihonda going under the theme of; “Promotion of Quality Standards in Agribusiness for Trade, More Trade and Better Trade”.
The Country Director of the Eastern Africa Grain Council (EAGC), Rose Omaria stated that this year’s Expo is expected to send out a clear and significant message on the importance of upgrading, maintaining and protecting the quality of our agricultural products.

This, she added will generate solutions to the existing difficulties in accessing regional and international markets thereby provide valuable stimulus for the promotion of “Trade, More Trade and Better Trade” in line with the EAGC 3rd strategic Business Plan 2018-2022.
The EAGC Agribusiness Expo will convene all key stakeholders from the Agribusiness sector. It will create awareness and exposure on innovations and technologies on quality control and aflatoxin management in Uganda while at the same time providing an opportunity for policy dialogue for the grain stakeholders and policy makers.
“This would see farmers accessing better and greater markets within the Region estimated at a population of 186,998,614 while consumers will be provided with safe and high quality food grain products.”
EAGC has previously held 7 successful similar events where farmers have been exposed to good agronomic practices as well as to new and existing technologies and financial services for agriculture.
The 8th Agribusiness expo will be officially opened by Prime Minister Rukahana Rugunda. Also expected at the event are 3 cabinet Ministers. Suppliers of agricultural inputs, machinery & equipment, service providers among others are invited to register as exhibitors at the event.