RUKUNGIRI – The Rev. Canon Gershom Ruhindi, father to Jacqueline Mbabazi, wife to former Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi and former minister Hope Mwesigye has died at age 103.
Family sources told PML Daily that the Canon, a very respected figure in Kigezi region, died suddenly but has never suffered any ailment. He died on Thursday at about 2:45am at his home in Nyakishorooza village in Kacence parish,Nyakishenyi subcounty, Rukungiri district.

‘It is just old age that took his life. We shall always celebrate his life and the achievements he made while serving the church and helping us to grow into responsible Ugandans,”Ms Joy Zatwosho, the deceased’s first born said.

Canon Ruhindi is survived by one wife, Everina Ruhindi whom he married in 1947, nine girls and several grandchildren.

Message from a grandchild:

“Fare thee well Shwenkuru (grandpa). (You) will be missed immensely. Words cannot define the extent to which we love you. Will miss your happy smile” — Ms Nina Mbabazi Rukikaire via Facebook.