NAKAWA – Lecturers at Makerere University Business School (MUBS) on Friday agreed to call off their one-month strike after receiving assurances from the management that it will address their concerns.
Under their umbrella body, Makerere University Business School Academic Staff Association (MUBASA), the lecturers, who went on strike at the beginning of June, are demanding about Shs45bn that accrued from government’s failure to honour partial salary enhancement and accumulation of unpaid salaries for assistant lecturers.
The lecturers have since not marked students’ examination scripts or supervise students on internship.
Also read: Stop inciting lecturers or you lose your job, Balunywa warns MUBS staff chairperson
However, following an emergency meeting on Friday that was attended by senior administrators, among them the Deputy Principal, the lecturers agreed to return to work immediately.

This came after the MUBS senior management agreed to begin discussions over their concerns. According to MUBASA general secretary Gonzaga Basulira, the lecturers together with the administration formed a committee that will negotiate the staff grievances.
He said the committee will comprise representatives from the aggrieved lecturers, the Bursar, the Dean and the Deputy Principal.
The committee is expected to give regular updates to MUBASA.